" I am struggling with something that is controlling me under its power. It is very powerful, beyond my imagination, and I have never overcome once since the very beginning. I prayed a thousand of times; I have been trying my best to go away and get over it and still I am. In the end, it doesn't even matter because I believe in the future. One day ... one day, very soon, I am going to be a winner. It is the ghost inside of me. For some reason or another, I made it to act that way. For the same reason and in the same way, I will make it disappear." It inspires me. HSCHA.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



fb saya bongok btul la!..
buli buka, tp xda apa2 dlm tu..skrin masi tunjuk kaca 3D..biul!..
teda harapan ne mcm!..
saya sgt2 sibuk..sesibuk sibuk saya pun, tp saya bukan penyibuk!..
saya sibuk hal saya sendiri..
saya mau balik saya punya hal la!..
mau suru saya stay apasal!..binggung!..
emm..sejak beberapa hari ni saya menyiapkan apa2 yang harus!wajib!..disiapkan..
well...done!..mau apa lg?..
orang sibuk mau bercuti,..sibuk pla bagi org kerja..saya bukan robot!..
saya balik 7hb 5..saya ubah balik flight saya balik 4hb 5!
baru tau hahahhaaha...
maknanya..cari la org lain yang lebih layak buat kerja tu..xpun buat la sendiri!
bukan xmau tolong..tapi saya ada privasi sendiri..org putih bilang private time..ada fhm ka?
saya penat tau!..
dari sekecil kecil masalah sampai sebesar besar masalah saya suda handle..
why always me??..jangan bergantung pada saya sahaja!..
wow!..saya marah ka ne??..hihi teda bah..cuma tulang saya ni uda mau jadi debu..
so, bagi la saya berehat dulu okey..
suda la..
minggu depan dan paling penting saya start final exam..dan abis pd 2hb 5..
pastu..saya minta cuti 3minggu (khas utk group saya saja), yg lain mula masuk kelas 7hb 5..
hihi kolej ni mcm saya punya seja..
saya mmg ada bakat jd kodinator yg bagus ba hahaha..
mau recover tu control damages..apa benda tu?..group@batch saya teda2 kaitan dgn hal tu bah..
apa yg penting, batch saya tetap habis 31dis ni!..
sebab setiap awl tahun, saya mesti ada plan baru..mcm tu la hidup ini....peace!..bye!

p/s: i miss someone out there..i cant believe its not actually happening again..soon it will be..bcoz..i'm more happy than i could ever imagine it..and i will love you for a thousand more more more and more years!..peace!..

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